Will the Apple Watch Make You Lose Weight?
Perhaps the more important question, will the Apple Watch – a not insignificant investment at £399 – actually have any effect on my hitherto-unactioned desire to lose weight?
After all, it’s easy enough to want to lose weight, but there are a lot of obstacles which I face, such as the deliciousness of cheeseburgers or the convenience of, well, not going for a walk or doing any exercise. After a while even stepping up onto the scales starts to seem like a bit much. Heading out of your way.
Well, that’s been my problem and for a little while, thanks to the intervention of a toddler, I have been without a smartwatch. As of publication day, November the 1st, that’s changing. I’m going to set up and get measuring with the Apple Watch 4 (other smartwatches are available 😉 ) and keep track of not just the data – that’s the easy part – but whether that actually has any effect on me.