This is where you should answer the most common questions prospective customers might have. It’s a good idea to cover things like your return policy, product warranty info, shipping and returns, etc. Check out the examples below.
Why did you start this site?
As someone who enjoys technology, but likes things to work well – and work for my family too – I found that other reviewers of smart tech seemed excessively bias toward a purchase. It's always "choose between" rather than suggest that perhaps some things are just not necessary.
Will you accept affiliate fees?
Full disclosure: in order to support the site, the links I create will be affiliate links that, if I'm lucky, earn me a small amount if you make a purchase. But this is not my main source of income (thankfully) and I will not be letting me stop saying what I think. I have earned my experience in the print world where the kind of bias you see in 'influencer' content would be unacceptable. In other words if you do read my comments and think "Yeah, I want that thing" then yes, please do click the links – it will help me out – but I will never tell you to get something you shouldn't.
Why did you write the book?
I wrote the book The Smart Smart Home Handbook (published November 2018) as a general introduction to the wide range of smart home technology that is out there. As part of my research for the book I added plenty of tech to my own home (all paid for myself – no sponsors or lends). I paid close attention to usability and the experience that those I live with had as well as my own, reflected in the book, because I think that for most people that's important. Sadly most of the reviews out there seem to be presented with little or no reference to others, as if they were written (or recorded for YouTube) by Californian computer programmers who live on their own in suspiciously clean apartments